Last modified: January 28th, 2022 by

Family Law Solicitors Dublin 1

The breakdown of any relationship can be a very difficult time for all involved. O’Hanrahan Lally D’Alton LLP Solicitors understand this and strive to ensure that resolution of matters is achieved as quickly as possible. We offer advice on a wide range of issues including marital breakdown, maintenance, access, custody of children, cohabitants and civil partners.

We have a team of Solicitors who are skilled in negotiating agreements on financial, property and childcare issues in Separation and Divorce. When a couple separates they can decide to enter into a Separation Agreement instead of seeking a court ordered Separation or Divorce. We can assist in drafting the agreement and negotiating the terms of the agreement.

Alternatively, the parties may seek a Judicial Separation or a Decree of Divorce and this is something we can advise on also. We have represented many clients in Judicial Separation and Divorce proceedings in both the Circuit and High Court and we have extensive experience in dealing with the legal and financial implications of marital breakdown. For both Separation and Divorce, it is better if the couple can agree the terms of their relationship breakdown if at all possible as reaching agreement affords greater flexibility and control, we have helped many clients achieve consent Separations and Divorces.

If you wish to speak to a Solicitor regarding a family law matter please contact us on 01 8 555 162 or email us at

* Solicitors cannot calculate fees or other charges in contentious business as a percentage or a proportion of any award or settlement nor is it our practice to do so.

Family Law F.A.Q.

Either party to a marriage can seek a Separation or a Divorce.

A Legal Separation can regulate all of the issues between a couple when their marriage breaks down. A Divorce will do the same. However, the key differences are that after Divorce

  • a person can remarry, and
  • the issues are harder to revisit and to change

A Separation Agreement is a legally binding document entered into by the parties which deals with issues pertaining to the breakdown of the marriage such as custody of children, finances, property, inheritance rights and living arrangements.

The benefit of a Separation Agreement is that it can be prepared quite quickly and is not dependent on court dates. It is a good option for speedily resolving matters between the parties.

Where a Separation Agreement has not been entered into either party can apply to court for a Judicial Separation which will deal with issues pertaining to the breakdown of the marriage. A Judicial Separation can take longer than a Separation Agreement at it is dependent on the availability of court dates.

At present in Ireland parties must be living apart for a period of two years before they are entitled to institute divorce proceedings. The court must be satisfied that there is no prospect of reconciliation and that proper provision has been made for the parties.

For both Separation and Divorce it is better if the parties agree the terms of their relationship breakdown, wherever possible. A Separation Agreement or a Consent Divorce can be drawn up and signed. Agreement between the parties affords greater flexibility and control over matters rather than leaving a court order to be made by a Judge which may not be in accordance with your wishes.

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